Mad Hearts – The Arts and Mental Health: Masked/UnMasked
This two-day event explores productive, radical, contemporary encounters between the arts and mental health, bringing together clinical, artistic and research perspectives that offer a re-interpretation of contemporary mental health science and practice, with a view of imagining a different future.
This year's theme is Masked/Unmasked – the wearing of physical masks to face the pandemic is a prompt to reflect on the metaphorical masks we wear to face the world, how we put these on to protect us from an unforgiving social world at the price of hiding the beauty of our differences. Interventions will examine how the arts can help us see behind the masks and sustain a new vision for mental health.
We welcome service users, mental health professionals, artists and researchers and any members of the general public interested in the way the arts can contribute to mental health.
Highlights include:
· Keynotes from acclaimed artist Dolly Sen and Senior Lecturer in Creative Arts and Mental Health and psychiatrist Dr Maria Turri.
· Live in-person performances including 'NHS Yarns' by Theatre Témoin and new work by our students.
· Panels on resilience, autism, unmasking a forgotten ‘mad’ artist and masculinity.
Friday On-site, Arts One, QM Campus 10am to 6pm
Book Friday tickets here:
Saturday Online from 10am to 6pm
Book Saturday tickets here: